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Mountain Montessori

Mountain Montessori

Montessori is a scientifically based education approach that emphasizes independence, freedom within limits, and the utmost respect for each child’s natural academic, social, and emotional development. At Mountain Montessori, we focus on reading, language, math, geography, science, and cultural studies. Students also learn about self-awareness, time management, problem solving, and respect.

Helping children learn to read, guiding them through their foundational math skills, having students love learning, and feeling confident in themselves are the greatest gifts I can share with young learners!
Mountain Montessori is a kindergarten through third grade classroom in Williams. The class is limited to 8-10 students. We follow a typical school year calendar, meeting M-Th, 8:30-2:30. Come see Mountain Montessori in person and find out how your child can thrive here.

Helpful Links: Video Intros/Reviews
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In Person
Josephine OR, Jackson OR
FULL COURSELOAD - All Subjects Offered
Comments (1)

Unknown member
May 28

I was SO lost with my daughter's education! I knew something was "off" but didn't have the experience to pinpoint what, or how to address it. Karen understood! And she had the experience and genuine compassion to get us turned around in our journey over the course of our year at Mountain Montessori. Karen is the real deal. She cares about the kids above all and masterfully balances a beautiful and gentle learning environment with a loving community of learners instilling confidence and competence in each of them, meeting them exactly where they're at. I don't know where we'd be without her! She helped us identify and address my daughter's learning difference with tact, efficacy, and kindness. I cannot recommend Karen's little school enough! Karen provided the "at home" education I always dreamed of for my children, I'm forever grateful!!!

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