Resource Library
for Teachers & Admin
1 Million Cups
Educating, Inspiring and Connecting Entrepreneurs Nationwide Every Wednesday Morning
Sign up to share your business or concepts (6 minutes) and get 20 minutes of feedback from local business professionals. The Grants Pass group meets at the Hivve at 9:30 am each week. They are hosting a pitch contest Jan 23. This is currently the only Oregon site.
7 Sisters
7Sisters Homeschool providing curriculum, coaching, and encouragement for homeschooling all the way to high school graduation. NO BUSY WORK! They have developed some curriculum, psychology, consumer math, etc., and also courses for homeschool parents! They offer a 33% discount for co-ops or other group learning sites. They have a ton of great advice organized by subject or age group.
A-Rae of Light Dance
A-Rae of Light Dance is an all-inclusive studio, accepting students of every age, ability, background and experience level. We hold classes right here in the Williams valley at the beautiful Pacifica Gardens cedar center. Current learning opportunities include musical theater, hip hop, contemporary jazz, and tap. Come check us out, you’re only regret will be not joining us sooner!
Academy NorthWest
Accredited Christian Hybrid School based out of Washington. Sort of like a Christian Charter school - parents choose curriculum and make all the choices about the school, but have access to learning centers and teachers. Currently, for students in Oregon, you would need to choose a teacher that teaches virtually. Students will receive a traditional high school diploma. Teachers and learning centers set their own fees.
7 Unique Ways to do do Science in Homeschool Highschool (I choose joy article)
Science doesn�t have to be the bane of your homeschool or a reason to quit homeschooling your high schooler to send them to school full-time. There are so many helpful homeschool companies such as College Prep Science that can make homeschooling science a wonderful experience for both you and your student!
AERO Alternative Education Resource Organization
One of AERO’s areas of expertise is democratic process and democratic education, but equally important is the networking of all forms of educational alternatives. Towards this end, AERO provides information, resources and guidance to families, schools and organizations regarding their educational choices. AERO disseminates information internationally on topics such as: homeschooling, public and private alternative schools, and charter schools.