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Resource Library

for   Teachers & Admin

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100 Roads

Join the Disrupters.
Step out of the broken, outdated system of education and see how you can be a change-maker in the new
learning ecosystem, created outside institutional boundaries.
They have a course on creating alternative education spaces.

A Tutor

Article "How to Create a Project Based Learning Lesson"

Acton Academy

A network of schools utilizing the Socratic method "turning learning upside-down". The company provides guides and mentorship for parents to start up their own Acton school. This couple started out as parents wanting the best for their kids. Now they help others do the same!


Free classes, degrees and certifications. For high school students, Alison could be very helpful in career exploration or adding some value to your resume to get that first job or internship. For teachers, take a course in special education, classroom management, or a plethora of other topics to help you be the best teacher you can be.

20% time & Genius Hour

An article about 20% time and the Genius Hour concepts.

AERO Alternative Education Resource Organization

One of AERO’s areas of expertise is democratic process and democratic education, but equally important is the networking of all forms of educational alternatives. Towards this end, AERO provides information, resources and guidance to families, schools and organizations regarding their educational choices. AERO disseminates information internationally on topics such as: homeschooling, public and private alternative schools, and charter schools.

Adaptable Learning

This company help schools transition to adaptable curriculum

Applegate Partnership & Watershed Council

Outdoor education (free, grant funded) and outdoor school (5th/6th graders) and restoration projects.

7 Unique Ways to do do Science in Homeschool Highschool (I choose joy article)

Science doesn�t have to be the bane of your homeschool or a reason to quit homeschooling your high schooler to send them to school full-time. There are so many helpful homeschool companies such as College Prep Science that can make homeschooling science a wonderful experience for both you and your student!

AJ Juliani

Speaker, teacher, trainer, and writer of ebooks and guides for setting up project and problem based learning environments.

Agile Learning Centers

Seems like "unschooling" but doesn't say that. They offer a network, starter kits, support, etc.

Autio by Hear Here

Stories covering various subjects: history, entertainment, geography and more. Download the app ($35/yr) for unlimited access. The app uses your location to share with you stories about the location you are in. Perfect for road-schooling adventures!


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